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2009.01.23. 22:30 Dagiszabi

Story of my stupidity. part 2.

We arrived home. Ok it has not so much information, but if I tell you that the transmission died totally when arrived, maybe you can feel something from the "holy shit" situation. But the machine ran quite good on the hungarian highways.
(don't lough on the tacho, I will adust it forward)

As it turned out, at the dealer, nobody knew where is the first gear, so they started in the second ewery time, wich helped so much in the dying of the cluch and the connecting parts. But I was not everything...
After the first euphory we took a closer look at the car. There was a chaos in the engine hood. Someone stole the AMG air filter housing wich was still inside 4 years ago. Tower bearings are to be replaced, the water cooler was already welded, the hydraulic fluid tank was leaking. Chaos in the cable hanesses, not working alarm system and some yellow/green insulation tape as a jolly joker.On the bottom, the situation is a bit better. The suspension is OK, in the brake system, the pads and the disks need to be replaced, and we also have to take a look at the hoses. The biggest shit is the exhaust, someone removed the end silencer and now there's a double pipe insted. Ugly and loud. optically there's n big deal, some small scratches on the right door, needs a repaint also the 3 piece spoiler  on the trunk.
So, the painter will love me for sure...
Because the wind of economical recession touched me and I was only 2 weeks at home, the big overhaul project was postponed, I only made a rims and tyre replacement.
It looked like this, with the 18" rims.

And became like this with the original 17" AMG rims and tyres:

The next step is the overhaul of the tranny, because the car can't move even one meter on it's own wheels.
It was a good deal, isn't it?

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