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2009.01.28. 14:44 Schrei

Illness or mental problem?

Illness or mental problem?

When did it start? Don' know. Maybe at my age of 6-7, when I was roaming on a
procession with my parents. Yeah, I've seen the car wich started the avalanche.
A police w116. Programmes were passing, but haven't seen even one. I checked only the machine. Later I also touched it. Star, chrome, grill, star, chrome... With a cop in the window.

Eyy, fucka, go da hell away, coz it's a federal property, not tobe touched!

I left, but i already knew that something have happend to me. I couldn't look at our zsiguli as a god any more. My eyes were always seeking for the star, this time still with not so much success. Later I went to Köln for some years, and there...
w123s, 26s, 115s, and the first w124ers. Two blocks from us were the Benz dealer.

When the family went for shopping they gave me there to Mr Volker and Miss Uschi.
Land of plenty...
They were nice, they let the stupid boy to sit in the new cars. I never touched anything, I was only sittin in them for hours with a vacuous smile on my face. Then
the neighbour came home with a brand new w124. I was out of control and the old guy liked, that I'm so enthusiastic. He brought me for a ride, later I went with him also for longer trips.

When I became older (after some socialist and french craps) a friend of mine went out of money, and offered me his nearly perfect mopf0 w124 limo. The bastard knew the right person to hold out the carrot with. I knew the car, of course I bought it.

There were no options in it, except the sunroof, central locking system and the self leveling suspension, but it was lovely. It was not a muscle car, as it had a 2 liter gasoline engine, but it fulfilled my demands. It had a beautiful blue interior wich is hated by lot of others. I was fond of it. It's perverity, ok, It's not my fault. We were cruising together 6 years in harmony. It had no hissy. After buying it, I  had to repair some small things, as we are talking about a 16 year old car, but after nothing, except the wearing components. Finally a friend of mine bought it from the club, I think he's satisfied.
Later I felt (and my friends from the club helped me to feel) that I reached a level to make my dream come true, buying a V8 gasoline destroyer. I was longing for a w126, wich is not so easy to find. While I was seeking, It's clarified in me.
Good ones are not existing or if they exist, the owner want a fortune for it, or if
I could find a good one, it was already sold when I arrived.
After one year and making plenty of kilometers, I found my present beauty. Usually came someone with me as an objective point of view, because at the end  I would have bought nearly anything. But I cought it. Honestly it was not an attractive condition, that's why first time I didn't even check it, finally I went here only because of the blue velours interior. It was expensive, taken out of circulation, some rust on it, It was laying in a garage for long long years in a never heared village. When we arrived to check It, poor's panty became wet. The radiator became leaking. So I was thinking about it and finally I unabashedly offered the half price. They rejected first. it took about a month to addle. I can take it for theoffered amount, but this case I have to take the hell away it on the weekend.I think they told it on wednesday. Cool. Call a friend, he brought a trailer for a good price, on saturday let's go.
We took it, first to a locksmith friend of mine, than a lot of fakerestoration.

But it will be an other story.

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